Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
1,758 lines
%title "NNANSI Terminal Driver Main Module"
%pagesize 60, 132
;--- nnansi.asm ----------------------------------------------------------
; New, New ANSI terminal driver.
; Optimized for speed in the case of multi-character write requests.
; (C) 1986 Daniel Kegel, Pasadena, CA
; May be distributed for educational and personal use only
; The following files make up the driver:
; nnansi.asm - all DOS function handlers except init
; nnansi_d.asm - Compilation options
; nnansi_p.asm - parameter parser for ANSI escape sequences
; nnansi_f.asm - ANSI command handlers
; nnansi_i.asm - init DOS function handler
; Daniel Kegel, Bellevue, Washington & Pasadena, California
; Revision history:
; 5 july 85: brought up non-ANSI portion except forgot backspace
; 6 july 85: split off ANSI stuff into other files, added backspace
; 11 july 85: fixed horrible bug in getchar; changed dosfns to subroutines
; 12 july 85: fixed some scrolling bugs, began adding compaq flag
; 9 aug 85: added cursor position reporting
; 10 aug 85: added output character translation
; 11 aug 85: added keyboard redefinition, some EGA 80x43 support
; 10 sept 85: Tandy 2000 support via compaq flag (finding refresh buffer)
; 30 Jan 86: removed Tandy 2000 stuff, added graphics mode support
; 12 feb 86: added int 29h handler, added PUSHA/POPA, added direct beep,
; direct cursor positioning, takeover of BIOS write_tty,
; noticed & squashed 2 related bugs in tab expansion
; 13 feb 86: Squashed them again, harder
; 24 feb 86: There is a bug in the timing code used by the BEEP routine.
; If the addition of the beep period to the
; BIOS low timer word results in an overflow, the beep will be
; supressed. Also made code compatible eith earlier versions
; of assembler.
; Tom Almy, Tualatin, Oregon (toma@tekgvs.labs.tek.com) modified the NANSI
; version ; 2.2 code for use in EGA/VGA environments only:
; 8 Jan 89: Additional compilation options
; Scrolling via reprogramming display start (*MUCH* faster)
; INT29 updates display directly if not control character.
; Various cleanups
; Nov 89: Some bug fixes, customization for various cards enhanced
; display modes, better handling of graphic cursor, graphic
; characters in 16 color modes are drawn by NNANSI rather
; than BIOS (much faster).
; Sept 90: Color backgrounds and XOR mode (as BLINK) in 16 color graphic
; modes. VGA has 43 or 50 line modes (instead of producing 50
; (when 43 selected). FAST mode can be toggled via escape
; sequences. Lots of code clean up. Some old options incorporated
; (extra ANSI sequences) or deleted (output conversion).
; The fast graphic draw routine has been speeded up, since it
; was slower than some BIOSes (!). The BIOS TTY call has been
; redirected to the INT29 routine which has some efficiency
; speedups; this also saved code space.
include nnansi_d.asm ; definitions
; from nnansi_f.asm
extrn f_escape:near, f_in_escape:near
; from nnansi_i.asm
extrn dosfn0:near
; to nnansi_p.asm
public f_loopdone
public f_not_ansi
public f_ansi_exit
public in_num
; to both nnansi_p.asm and nnansi_f.asm
public cur_x, cur_y, max_x, cur_attrib
; to nnansi_f.asm
public xy_to_regs, get_blank_attrib
public wrap_flag
public cur_parm_ptr
public cur_coords, saved_coords, max_y
public escvector, string_term
public cpr_esc, cprseq
public video_mode
if key_redef
public lookup
public gmode_flag
public gcursor
public set_gmode
public fmode
public rev_flag
public move_back
; to nnansi_i.asm
public req_ptr, break_handler
public int_29
public new_vid_bios, old_vid_bios
; to all modules
public param_buffer, param_end
if key_redef
public redef_end
;--- push_all, pop_all ------------------------------------------------
; Save/restore all user registers.
IF cheap_pc
push_all macro
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push_all macro
IF cheap_pc
pop_all macro
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop_all macro
call_video macro ; call original video interrupt
pushf ; push flags
call dword ptr cs:old_vid_bios
draw_gcursor macro ; draw graphic cursor
if quick_char
mov ax, 8f16h
call quick_graph
mov ax, 0916h ; draw cursor at location
mov bx, 8fh
mov cx, 1
keybuf struc ; Used in getchar
len dw ?
adr dw ?
keybuf ends
ABS40 segment at 40h
org 1ah
buffer_head dw ? ; Used in 'flush input buffer' dos call.
buffer_tail dw ?
org 49h
crt_mode db ?
crt_cols dw ?
crt_len dw ?
crt_start dw ?
cursor_posn dw 8 dup (?)
cursor_mode dw ?
active_page db ?
addr_6845 dw ?
crt_mode_set db ? ; = 7 only if monochrome display adaptor
crt_palette db ?
org 6ch
timer_low dw ? ; low word of time-of-day counter (18.2 hz)
org 84h
ega_rows db ? ; #rows-1 on display
ega_points dw ? ; bytes per character
ABS40 ends
CODE segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:CODE, ds:CODE
; Device Driver Header
org 0
dd -1 ; next device
dw 8013h ; attributes
dw strategy ; request header pointer entry
dw interrupt ; request entry point
db 'CON' ; device name (8 char)
db 5 dup (20h) ; ... and 5 blanks)
; Identification- in case somebody TYPEs the assembled driver
db 27,'[2J'
ife cheap_pc
db "(80286)"
db "(80x86)"
db 13, 10
db 'by Tom Almy based on code (C) Daniel Kegel, Pasadena, CA 1986.'
db 13, 10, 26
;----- variable area --------------------
org $-38 ; overlay id string with uninitialized data
req_ptr label dword
req_off dw ?
req_seg dw ?
f_cptr_seg dw ? ; part of fastout write buffer pointer
cur_parm_ptr dw ? ; last byte of parm area now used
old_vid_bios dd ? ; pointer to old video bios routine
saved_coords dw ? ; holds XY after a SCP escape sequence
temp_val dw ? ; just a temporary
param_buffer dw ? ; address of first byte free for new params
param_end dw ? ; address of end of free area
if key_redef
redef_end dw ? ; address of end of redefinition area
no_c_flag db ? ; there is no graphic cursor on the screen.
max_y db ? ; lines-1
max_cur_x label word ; used to get both max & cur at once
max_x db ? ; line width (79 for 80x25 modes)
cur_coords label word
cur_x db ? ; cursor position (0 = left edge)
cur_y db ? ; (0 = top edge)
video_mode db ? ; ROM BIOS video mode (2=BW, 3=color, etc)
string_term db ? ; either escape or double quote
in_num db ? ; true if between a digit and a semi in parse
int_29_buf db ? ; character buffer for int 29 calls
fnkeybuf db ? ; holds second byte of fn key codes
cpr_buf db 8 dup (?), '['
cpr_esc db 1bh ; descending buffer for cpr function
even ; this should be redundant, if I did it right
; following four keybufs hold information about input
; Storage order determines priority- since the characters making up a function
; key code must never be separated (say, by a Control-Break), they have the
; highest priority, and so on. Keyboard keys (except ctrl-break) have the
; lowest priority.
fnkey keybuf <0, fnkeybuf> ; fn key string (0 followed by scan code)
cprseq keybuf <0> ; CPR string (ESC [ y;x R)
brkkey keybuf <0, brkkeybuf> ; ^C
if key_redef
xlatseq keybuf <0> ; keyboard reassignment string
escvector dw 0 ; state vector of ESCape sequencor
brkkeybuf db 3 ; control C
wrap_flag db 1 ; 0 = no wrap past line end
cur_attrib db 7 ; current char attributes
gmode_flag db 0 ; true if in graphics mode
gcursor db initgc ; true if graphic cursor enabled
fmode db initfast ; in fast mode?
rev_flag db 0 ; non-zero if in reverse video
port_6845 equ 3d4h
;------ xy_to_regs --------------------------------------------
; on entry: x in cur_x, y in cur_y
; on exit: dx = chars left on line, di = address
; Alters ax, bx.
xy_to_regs proc near
; Find number of chars 'till end of line, keep in DX
mov ax, max_cur_x
mov bx, ax ; save max_x & cur_x for next block
xor ah, ah ; ax = max_x
xchg dx, ax
mov al, bh
xor ah, ah ; ax = cur_x
sub dx, ax
inc dx ; dx is # of chars till EOL
; Calculate DI = current address in text buffer
mov al, bl ; al = max_x
inc al
mul cur_y
add al, bh ; al += cur_x
adc ah, 0 ; AX is # of chars into buffer
add ax, ax
xchg di, ax ; DI is now offset of cursor.
push ds
mov ax, ABS40
mov ds, ax
assume ds:ABS40
add di, crt_start ; crt offset
; the offset could be non-zero because
; of video pages or fast scrolling.
pop ds
assume ds:nothing
xy_to_regs endp
;------- dos_fn_tab -------------
; This table is used in "interrupt" to call the routine that handles
; the requested function.
max_cmd equ 12
dw dosfn0, nopcmd, nopcmd, badcmd, dosfn4, dosfn5, dosfn6
dw dosfn7, dosfn8, dosfn8, nopcmd, nopcmd
;------- strategy ----------------------------------------------------
; DOS calls strategy with a request which is to be executed later.
; Strategy just saves the request.
strategy proc far
mov cs:req_off,BX
mov cs:req_seg,ES
strategy endp
;------ interrupt -----------------------------------------------------
; This is where the request handed us during "strategy" is
; actually carried out.
; Calls one of 12 subroutines depending on the function requested.
; Each subroutine returns with exit status in AX.
interrupt proc far
push_all ; preserve caller's registers
push ds
push es
; Read requested function information into registers
lds bx,cs:req_ptr
xor ah,ah ; clear upper part of ax
mov al,ds:[BX+02h] ; al = function code
; The next instruction blows up MASM 1.0 but who cares!!
les si,[BX+0Eh] ; ES:SI = input/output buffer addr
mov cx,[BX+12h] ; cx = input/output byte count
cmp al, max_cmd
ja unk_command ; too big, exit with error code
xchg bx, ax
shl bx, 1 ; form index to table of words
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
call word ptr dos_fn_tab[bx]
lds bx,cs:req_ptr ; report status
or ax, 100h ; (always set done bit upon exit)
mov [bx+03],ax
pop ES ; restore caller's registers
pop DS
ret ; return to DOS.
call badcmd
jmp int_done
interrupt endp
;----- BIOS break handler -----------------------------------------
; Called by BIOS when Control-Break is hit (vector was set up in Init).
; Simply notes that a break was hit. Flag is checked during input calls.
break_handler proc
mov cs:brkkey.len, 1
break_handler endp
;------ badcmd -------------------------------------------------------
; Invalid function request by DOS.
badcmd proc near
mov ax, 813h ; return "Error: invalid cmd"
badcmd endp
;------ nopcmd -------------------------------------------------------
; Unimplemented or dummy function request by DOS.
nopcmd proc near
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
nopcmd endp
;------- dos function #4 ----------------------------------------
; Reads CX characters from the keyboard, places them in buffer at
; ES:SI.
dosfn4 proc near
jcxz dos4done
mov di, si
dos4lp: push cx
call getchar
pop cx
loop dos4lp
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
dosfn4 endp
;-------- dos function #5: non-destructive input, no wait ------
; One-character lookahead into the keyboard buffer.
; If no characters in buffer, return BUSY; otherwise, get value of first
; character of buffer, stuff into request header, return DONE.
dosfn5 proc near
call peekchar
jz dos5_busy
lds bx,req_ptr
mov [bx+0Dh], al
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
jmp short dos5_exit
MOV ax, 200h ; No error, busy.
dosfn5 endp
;-------- dos function #6: input status --------------------------
; Returns "busy" if no characters waiting to be read.
dosfn6 proc near
call peekchar
mov ax, 200h ; No error, busy.
jz dos6_exit
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
dosfn6 endp
;-------- dos function #7: flush input buffer --------------------
; Clears the IBM keyboard input buffer. Since it is a circular
; queue, we can do this without knowing the beginning and end
; of the buffer; all we need to do is set the tail of the queue
; equal to the head (as if we had read the entire queue contents).
; Also resets all the device driver's stuffahead buffers.
dosfn7 proc near
xor ax, ax
mov fnkey.len, ax ; Reset the stuffahead buffers.
mov cprseq.len, ax
mov brkkey.len, ax
if key_redef
mov xlatseq.len, ax
mov ax, ABS40
mov es, ax
mov ax, es:buffer_head ; clear queue by making the tail
mov es:buffer_tail, ax ; equal to the head
xor ax, ax ; no error, not busy.
dosfn7 endp
;--- new_vid_bios -------------------------------------------
; new_vid_bios takes the set cursor, get display mode, change mode, and
; get mode calls.
; If bios_write_tty defined, new_vid_bios replaces the write_tty call.
; This gives BIOS ANSI capability.
; However, it takes away the escape character.
; If this is not desired, just tell init to not take over the vector.
; All other calls get sent to the old video bios.
JUMPS ; clarify branches -- TASM V2.0 recommended
new_vid_bios proc
IF bios_write_tty
cmp ah, 14
jz nvb_write_tty
cmp Ah, 02h ; set cursor position command?
jz nvb_setcursor
cmp Ah,0 ; change mode command?
jz nvb_smode
cmp cs:fmode,0 ; slow mode?
jz new_vid_pass ; then pass it on
cmp Ah, 0Fh ; get display mode command?
jz nvb_display
cmp Ah, 06h ; clear screen command?
jz nvb_scroll
cmp Ah, 07h ; alternative cls command?
jz nvb_scroll
jmp dword ptr cs:old_vid_bios
IF bios_write_tty
IF 1 ; Does INT 29 now!
push cx ; save register
mov cl, cs:cur_attrib
; If in graphics mode, BL is new color
cmp cs:gmode_flag, 0
jz nvb_wt_text
mov cs:cur_attrib, bl ; ja?
int 29h
mov cs:cur_attrib, cl
pop cx
; sti
push ds
push cs
pop ds ; establish adressability
assume ds:CODE
push es
mov cl, cur_attrib
; If in graphics mode, BL is new color
cmp gmode_flag, 0
jz nvb_wt_text
mov cur_attrib, bl ; ja?
push cx
mov cx, 1
mov bx, cs
mov es, bx
mov si, offset int_29_buf
mov byte ptr es:[si], al
call dosfn8
pop cx
mov cs:cur_attrib, cl ; restore color
pop es
pop ds
assume ds:nothing
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0 ; Graphic mode?
jnz new_vid_pass
push ds
push dx
mov dx, ABS40
mov ds, dx
assume ds:ABS40
cmp crt_start,0 ; At start of mem?
jz nvb_pass
call move_back
jmp nvb_pass
push ds
push dx
mov dx, ABS40
mov ds, dx
assume ds:ABS40
mov cs:no_c_flag, 1 ; if graphic, don't draw cursor afterwards
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0 ; graphic mode?
jnz nvb_pass
cmp crt_start,0 ; not at start of mem
jz nvb_pass
cmp al, 0 ; scroll, not erase
jne nvb_pass
or cx, cx ; not entire screen?
jne nvb_pass
pop dx
push dx
inc dl
cmp dl, byte ptr crt_cols ; same question, max columns
ja nvb_pass ; >size is full screen, though
cmp dh, ega_rows ; same question, max rows
ja nvb_pass ; >size is full screen, though
push ax ; erase is easier since we dont move screen
xor ax,ax
mov crt_start,0 ; reset offsets
mov dx,port_6845
mov al,0ch
out dx,ax
inc al
out dx,ax
pop ax
; jmp nvb_pass ; jump is redundant
pop dx
assume ds:nothing
pop ds
jmp dword ptr cs:old_vid_bios ; now doit
push ds
push dx
mov dx, ABS40
mov ds,dx
assume ds:ABS40
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0 ; Alpha mode?
je nvb_pass
cmp cs:no_c_flag, 0 ; inhibited cursor?
jnz nvb_pass ; then keep inhibited
cmp cs:gcursor, 0 ; no cursor?
jz nvb_pass ; then don't want one now!
assume ds:nothing
pop dx ; restore registers
pop ds
call_video ; original int 10h
draw_gcursor ; redraw the cursor
iret ; return from interrupt
push ds
mov dx, ABS40
mov ds, dx
assume ds:ABS40
mov al, crt_mode ; get mode and check for being graphic
call set_gmode
mov cs:no_c_flag, al ; if graphic, then no cursor is on screen.
pop ds
assume ds:nothing
new_vid_bios endp
;------ int_29 ----------------------------------------------
; Int 29 handles DOS quick-access putchar.
; Last device loaded with attribute bit 4 set gets accessed for
; single-character writes via int 29h instead of via interrupt.
; Must preserve all registers.
; Installed as int 29h by dosfn0 (init).
int_29 proc near
push ds
push es
if fast29
cmp al, 20h ; control char?
jb slow_way
cmp cs:escvector, 0 ; middle of an escape sequence?
jnz slow_way
mov dx, ABS40
mov ds, dx ; set addressability
assume ds:ABS40
mov cx, word ptr crt_mode ; mode in cl, columns in ch
cmp cl, 3 ; graphics mode?
ja slow_way
xor bx, bx ; get cursor position
mov bl, active_page
add bx, bx
mov dx, cursor_posn[bx] ; dh has y, dl has x
inc dl ; point to next location
cmp dl, ch ; at edge?
jnb slow_way
; we can go with it!
mov cursor_posn[bx], dx ; update pointer
xchg ax, bx
mov al, dh
mul ch ; ax has line offset
add al, dl
adc ah, 0 ; total offset
mov cx, bx
mov bx, ax ; cl has character, bx offset
mov ax, crt_start
shr ax, 1
add bx, ax ; corrected cursor offset, either
; because of fast scroll or
; page<>0
mov dx, port_6845 ; update cursor location
mov al,0eh ; more effective to write two bytes at a time
mov ah,bh
out dx,ax
inc al
mov ah,bl
out dx,ax
mov al, cl ; get back character
dec bx
add bx, bx ; byte offset
mov dx, 0b800h ; address screen
mov ds, dx
assume ds:nothing
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib
mov ds:[bx], ax ; write character
jmp short int_fin
mov cx, 1
mov bx, cs
mov es, bx
mov si, offset int_29_buf
mov byte ptr es:[si], al
call dosfn8
pop es
pop ds
int_29 endp
;------ dosfn8 -------------------------------------------------------
; Handles writes to the device (with or without verify).
; Called with
; CX = number of bytes to write
; ES:SI = transfer buffer
; DS = CS, so we can access local variables. NOT ANY MORE
dosfn8 proc near
mov cs:f_cptr_seg, es ; save segment of char ptr
; Read the BIOS buffer address/cursor position variables.
mov ax, ABS40
mov ds, ax
assume ds:ABS40
; Find current video mode and screen size.
mov ax,word ptr crt_mode ; al = crt mode; ah = # of columns
mov cs:video_mode, al
dec ah ; ah = max column
mov cs:max_x, ah
; Save graphics mode flag
call set_gmode
mov al, ega_rows ; number of display rows
mov cs:max_y, al ; set maxy value
; Find current cursor coordinates.
mov al, active_page
add ax, ax
xchg bx, ax
mov ax, cursor_posn[bx]
mov cs:cur_coords, ax
; Find video buffer segment address; adjust it
; so the offset is zero; return in AX.
mov ax, 0B800H ; this gets corrected in xy_to_regs
; if we are not screen 0
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:CODE
mov es, ax
call xy_to_regs ; Set DX, DI according to cur_coords.
; | If in graphics mode, clear old pseudocursor
cmp gmode_flag, 0
jz d8_no_cp
cmp no_c_flag, 0 ; cursor not previously drawn?
mov no_c_flag, 0 ; (reset flag, will be drawn from now on)
jnz d8_no_cp ; not drawn -- don't clear
cmp gcursor, 0 ; don't clear if cursor is off, either
jz d8_no_cp
push cx
push dx
push di
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
mov ah, cur_attrib
mov ds, f_cptr_seg ; get segment of char ptr
assume ds:nothing
cld ; make sure we'll increment
; The Inner Loop: 12+4+4+11+14+2+19= 66 cycles/loop
; on 8088; at 4.77 MHz, that gives 16.1 microseconds/loop.
; At that speed, it takes 32 milliseconds to fill a screen.
; Get a character, put it on the screen, repeat 'til end of line
; or no more characters.
jcxz f_loopdone ; if count = 0, we're already done.
cmp cs:escvector, 0 ; If in middle of an escape sequence,
jz f_tloop
jmp f_in_escape ; jump to escape sequence handler.
f_tloop:; | If in graphics mode, jump to alternate loop
; | What a massive kludge! A better approach would have been
; | to collect characters for a "write n chars" routine
; | which would handle both text and graphics modes.
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0
jz f_t_cloop
jmp f_g_cloop
LODSB ; get char! (al = ds:[si++])
cmp al, 28 ; is it a control char?
jb f_control ; maybe...
STOSW ; Put Char! (es:[di++] = ax)
dec dx ; count down to end of line
loopnz f_t_cloop ; and go back for more.
jz f_t_at_eol ; at end of line, maybe do a crlf.
jmp short f_loopdone ; finished execution
f_ansi_exit: ; in case we switched into
loopnz f_tloop ; a graphics mode
jnz f_loopdone
jmp f_at_eol
;--------- All done with write request -----------
; DI is cursor address, cursor position in cur_y, dl
assume ds:ABS40
mov ax, ABS40
mov ds, ax
; Set cursor position in low memory.
mov al,active_page
add ax,ax
xchg bx,ax
mov al, cs:max_x
inc al
sub al, dl
mov ah, cs:cur_y
mov cursor_posn[bx],ax
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0
jnz pseudocursor ; In graphics mode, there is
; a pseudo cursor to draw.
; Write directly to 6845 cursor address register.
mov bx, di
shr bx, 1 ; convert word index to byte index
mov dx, port_6845 ; works with or without no-mono
mov al,0eh ; more effective to write two bytes at a time
mov ah,bh
out dx,ax
inc al
mov ah,bl
out dx,ax
; Return to DOS.
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
cmp cs:gcursor, 0 ; graphics cursor off?
jz nopseudo
mov cs:no_c_flag,0 ; there is a cursor now!
xor ax, ax
;---- handle control characters ----
; Note: cur_x is not kept updated in memory, but can be
; computed from max_x and dx.
; Cur_y is kept updated in memory.
f_escapex: ; far jump
jmp f_escape
cmp al, 27 ; Is it an escape?
jz f_escapex
cmp al, 13 ; carriage return?
jz f_cr
cmp al, 10 ; line feed?
jz f_lf
cmp al, 8 ; backspace?
jz f_bs
cmp al, 9 ; tab?
jz f_tab
cmp al, 7 ; bell
jz f_bell
jmp f_nctl ; then it is not a control char.
f_bell: ;----- Handle bell ----------------------
; Use BIOS to do the beep. DX is not changed, as bell is nonprinting.
call beep
or al, al ; clear z
jmp f_looploop ; Let main loop decrement cx.
f_bs: ;----- Handle backspace -----------------
; Moves cursor back one space without erasing. No wraparound.
cmp dl, cs:max_x ; wrap around to previous line?
ja fbs_wrap ; yep; disallow it.
dec di ; back up one char & attrib,
dec di
inc dx ; and note one more char left on line.
jmp f_looploop
f_cr: ;----- Handle carriage return -----------
; di -= cur_x<<1; set di= address of start of line
; dx=max_x+1; set bx= chars left in line
mov al, cs:max_x
inc al
sub al, dl ; Get cur_x into ax.
mov ah, 0
sub di, ax
sub di, ax
mov dl, cs:max_x ; Full line ahead of us.
inc dx
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib ; restore current attribute
or al, 1 ; clear z
jmp f_looploop ; and let main loop decrement cx
;----- Handle overrunning right end of screen -------
; cx++; compensate for double loop
; if (!wrap_flag) { dx++; di-=2; }
; else do_crlf;
inc cx
test cs:wrap_flag, 1
jnz feol_wrap
dec di
dec di
inc dx
jmp f_looploop
; dx=max_x+1; set bx= chars left in line
; di -= 2*(max_x+1);
; do_lf
mov dl, cs:max_x
inc dx
sub di, dx
sub di, dx
; fall thru to line feed routine
f_lf: ;----- Handle line feed -----------------
; if (cur_y >= max_y) scroll; scroll screen up if needed
; else { cur_y++; di += max_x<<1; else increment Y
mov al, cs:max_y
cmp cs:cur_y, al
jb flf_noscroll
call scroll_up ; preserves bx,cx,dx,si,di
jmp short flf_done
inc cs:cur_y
mov al, cs:max_x
mov ah, 0
inc ax
add ax, ax
add di, ax
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib ; restore current attribute
or al, 1 ; clear z
jmp f_looploop ; and let main loop decrement cx
f_tab: ;----- Handle tab expansion -------------
; Get cur_x into al.
mov al, cs:max_x
inc al
sub al, dl
; Calculate number of spaces to output.
push cx ; save cx
mov ch, 0
mov cl, al ; get zero based x coordinate
and cl, 7
neg cl
add cl, 8 ; 0 -> 8, 1 -> 8, ... 7 -> 1
sub dx, cx ; update chars-to-eol, maybe set z
pushf ; || save Z for main loop
; ah is still current attribute. Move CX spaces to the screen.
mov al, ' '
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0
jnz f_tab_putc
popf ; || restore Z flag for main loop test
pop cx ; restore cx
jmp f_looploop ; Let main loop decrement cx.
;--------------- graphics mode support -----------------------
;---- Alternate main loop for graphics mode ----
LODSB ; get char! (al = ds:[si++])
cmp al, 28 ; is it a control char?
jb f_g_control ; maybe...
call putchar
dec dx ; count down to end of line
loopnz f_g_cloop ; and go back for more.
jz f_at_eol ; at end of line; maybe do a crlf.
jmp f_loopdone
f_g_control: jmp f_control
; Tabs in graphic mode
f_tab_putc: ; graphics mode- call putc to put the char
add dx, cx ; move back to start of tab
call putchar
dec dx ; go to next cursor position
loop f_tp_lp
popf ; Z set if wrapped around EOL
pop cx
jmp f_looploop
;---- Where to go when a character turns out not to be special
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0
jnz f_g_nctl
jmp f_t_nctl ; text mode
;---- putchar ------------------------------------------------
; Writes char AL, attribute AH to screen at (max_x+1-dl), cur_y.
; On entry, registers set up as per xy_to_regs.
; Preserves all registers.
putchar proc near
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
; 1. Set cursor position.
mov al, cs:max_x
inc al
sub al, dl
mov cs:cur_x, al
mov dx, cs:cur_coords ; get X & Y into DX
push ds
mov ax, 40h
mov ds, ax
assume ds:ABS40
mov cursor_posn,dx
pop ds
assume ds:nothing
xor bx, bx ; choose dpy page 0
mov ah, 2 ; chose "Set Cursor Position"
; 2. Write char & attribute.
IF quick_char
pop ax
push ax ; character and attribute
call quick_graph
mov cx, 1
pop ax ; get char in AL
push ax
mov bl, ah ; attribute in BL
mov bh, 0
mov ah, 9
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
putchar endp
IF quick_char
quick_graph proc near
; this code has been reworked for much greater speed.
; ah= mode, al= char, ax,bx,cx,dx destroyed
gmode_test yesQuick
mov bl,ah
xor bh,bh
mov cx, 1
mov ah, 9
call_video ; do it the old way
push ds
mov bx, 40h
mov ds, bx
assume ds:ABS40 ; address abs segment
push es
push bp
push si
push di ; save some registers
push ax ; save char and mode
mov ax, crt_cols
mov cx, ega_points ; pixel rows in character
mov bp, ax ; save number of columns=#bytes
mul byte ptr (cursor_posn+1)
mul cx ; (ignore upper product in DX)
add al, byte ptr (cursor_posn) ; y*#cols*#rows + x
adc ah, 0 ; take care of carry
mov si, ax ; save address in si
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax ; absolute zero
les di, es: dword ptr (43h * 4) ; contents of vector 43h
pop ax
push ax ; get char and mode
mul cl ; offset to character in table
add di,ax ; di has character bit pattern start
mov ax, 0a000h ; address of display segment
mov ds, ax
assume ds:nothing
; to recap: cx=#rows, bp=#columns, ds:si=display address, es:di=character addr
mov dx, 3ceh
mov ax, 0a05h
out dx,ax ; set write mode 2, read mode 1
mov ax, 7 ; set color dontcare register to zero
out dx,ax
pop bx ; character mode in bh
IF gbackground
mov bl,bh ; extract background color
IF cheap_pc
shr bl,1
shr bl,1
shr bl,1
shr bl,1
shr bl,4
or bh, bh
jns overMode
mov ax, 1803h ; exor mode
out dx,ax
and bx, 0f07h ; xor=blink bit
or bh, bh
jns overMode
mov ax, 1803h ; exor mode
out dx,ax
and bx, 7f00h ; mask off xor bit
mov al, 8 ; bit mask register
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, es:[di] ; get pixel pattern
out dx, al
and [si],bh ; update foreground
not al
out dx, al ; and background
and [si],bl
inc di
add si, bp ; go to next character byte and line
loop chLoop
dec dx
mov ax, 0ff08h ; bit mask
out dx, ax
mov ax, 5 ; mode register
out dx, ax
mov al, 3 ; (ah is zero)
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0f07h
out dx, ax
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
IF gbackground
and bx, 0f07h ; xor=blink bit
and bx, 7f00h ; mask off xor bit
mov al, 8 ; bit mask register
out dx, al
inc dx
; we need to load the internal buffer with a solid
; background. By writing a solid background and then
; reading it back, we can do the job.
mov al, 0ffh ; force set background
out dx, al
mov [si], bl
mov al, [si] ; read reset pattern
mov al, es:[di] ; get pixel pattern
out dx, al
mov [si],bh ; update foreground
inc di
add si, bp ; go to next character byte and line
loop chLoop2
jmp joinret
quick_graph endp
;--------------- end of graphics mode support --------------------
dosfn8 endp
;--- get_blank_attrib ------------------------------------------------
; Determine new attribute and character for a new blank region.
; Use current attribute, just disallow blink and underline.
; (Pretty strange way to do it. Might want to disallow rev vid, too.)
; Returns result in AH, preserves all other registers.
get_blank_attrib proc near
IF gbackground
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0
jz get_attrib ; if alpha mode
gmode_test get_attribg ; or good graphic mode, get attrib
xor ah,ah
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib ; must do different technique
IF cheap_pc
shr ah,1 ; color must be shifted into position
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
shr ah,4
and ah,07
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib ; the attribute
and ah, 7fh ; but disallowing blink
mov ah, 0 ; 0 is background if graphics mode
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0
jnz gb_aok
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib
and ah, 7fh ; disallow blink
gb_aok: ret
get_blank_attrib endp
;---- scroll_up ---------------------------------------------------
; Scroll screen up- preserves ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, ds, es.
; Moves screen up 1 line, fills the last line with blanks.
; Attribute of blanks is the current attribute sans blink and underline.
scroll_up proc near
cmp cs:gmode_flag,0
jz scroll_char
jmp scroll_graphic
push es
push ds ; save all!
mov ax, ABS40 ; address low mem via ds
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 0b800h ; address display via es
mov es, ax
assume ds:ABS40
cmp cs:fmode,0 ; see if in fast mode
jz slow_scroll_up
xor ax,ax ; calc addresses
mov al, cs:max_x
inc ax
mov cx, ax ; save (word) count for fill
mov bx, ax ; and save byte count
shl bx, 1 ; byte count
mov cs:temp_val, bx
mul cs:max_y ; address offset of last line (words)
shl ax, 1 ; address offset in bytes
mov di, ax
mov ax, crt_start ; start of display
add ax, bx ; add line size in bytes
add di, ax ; di is now address of new last line
cmp di, 7fffh - 264 ; is there room here?
ja no_room_here
mov crt_start, ax
shr ax, 1 ; make into word offset
mov bx, ax ; and put into 6845
mov dx, port_6845
mov al, 0ch
out dx, ax
inc al
mov ah, bl
out dx, ax
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib
and ah, 7fh ; disallow blink
mov al, 20h ; blank
rep stosw ; clear line
assume ds:nothing
pop ds
pop es
add di, cs:temp_val
pop ds ; restore registers
pop es
call move_back ; go to buffer start
sub di, cs:temp_val
jmp scroll_up ; try again
assume ds:ABS40
mov di, crt_start ; offset of display (because of
; different page)
mov ds, ax ; ds is now display
assume ds:nothing
xor ax,ax ; calc addresses
mov al, cs:max_x
inc ax
mov bx, ax ; save (word) count
shl ax, 1 ; byte count
mov si, ax ; start address is second line
add si, di ; adjust start address by any offset
mov ax, bx
mul cs:max_y ; number of words to move
mov cx, ax
rep movsw ; move them!
mov cx, bx ; words to clear
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib
and ah, 7fh ; disallow blink
mov al, 20h ; blank
rep stosw ; clear line
pop ds
pop es
gmode_test scrOurself
mov bh, 0
mov al, 1 ; AL is number of lines to scroll.
mov ah, 6 ; BIOS: scroll up
xor cx, cx
mov dl, cs:max_x ; lower-rite-x
mov dh, cs:max_y ; lower-rite-y (zero based)
call_video ; call BIOS to scroll a rectangle.
scrOurself: ; try scrolling screen ourself!
push es
push ds
mov dx, 3ceh ; set write mode 1
mov ax, 105h
out dx, ax
mov ax, 40h ; address abs40 segment
mov ds, ax
assume ds:ABS40
mov ax, crt_cols ; calculate length of line in bytes
mul byte ptr ega_points
mov si, ax ; source of move
xor dx,dx
mov dl, ega_rows
mul dx ; number of bytes to move
mov cx, ax
mov ax, si ; save bytes in line for later
mov bx, 0a000h ; address display
mov ds, bx
mov es, bx
xor di, di ; destination of move
rep movsb ; scroll
mov cx, ax ; bytes in line = bytes to clear
mov dx, 3ceh
mov ax, 05h ; return to write mode 0
out dx, ax
IF gbackground
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib
IF cheap_pc
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
shr ah,4
and ah,07 ; background color
mov al,0
out dx,ax ; set color to write
mov ax,0f01h ; set mask
out dx,ax
rep stosb ; clear the line
mov ax,0001 ; reset mask
out dx,ax
xor ax, ax
rep stosb ; clear the line
pop ds ; restore registers and return
pop es
jmp scrret
scroll_up endp
;-----move_back --------------------------------------------
; This routine moves the display to offset zero.
; alters:
; cs:temp_val = original crt_start value
; crt_start = 0
; controller reset properly
move_back proc near
push ds
push es
mov ax, ABS40
mov ds, ax
assume ds:ABS40
mov al, ega_rows
inc al
mul byte ptr crt_cols ; words to move
mov cx, ax
mov si, crt_start
mov cs:temp_val, si ; save this value
xor di, di
mov crt_start, di
mov bx, cursor_posn ; y in bh, x in bl
mov al, byte ptr crt_cols
mul bh
add al, bl
adc ah, 0
xchg bx, ax ; save cursor position in bx
mov ax, 0B800h
mov es, ax
mov ds, ax
mov dx, cx
add dx, cx ; see if overlapping
cmp dx, si
ja slow_move
rep movsw ; move data
mov dx, port_6845
mov al, 0ch ; reset offset
xor ah,ah
out dx, ax
inc al
out dx, ax
inc al
mov ah, bh
out dx, ax
inc al
mov ah, bl
out dx, ax
; sti
assume ds:nothing
pop es
pop ds
slow_move: ; we gotta move to another spot first
push cx ; save length
dec dx ; length-2
dec dx
add si, dx ; point to end
mov di, 7FFEh ; safe location -- as safe as we can get
rep movsw ; move from far end in case of overlap
; (may happen on large displays)
mov dx, port_6845
mov si, di ; source becomes destination
inc si ; take care of last decrement
inc si
mov cx, si
shr cx, 1 ; word offset to start of new area
mov al, 0Ch ; display at this new location
mov ah, ch
out dx, ax
inc al
mov ah, cl
out dx, ax
pop cx ; reset all registers
xor di, di ; destination is zero
jmp join_move ; NOW move to destination
move_back endp
if key_redef
;---- lookup -----------------------------------------------
; Called by getchar, peekchar, and key to see if a given key has
; been redefined.
; Sets AH to zero if AL is not zero (i.e. if AX is not a function key).
; Returns with Z cleared if no redefinition; otherwise,
; Z is set, SI points to redefinition string, CX is its length.
; Preseves AL, all but CX and SI.
; Redefinition table organization:
; Strings are stored in reversed order, first char last.
; The word following the string is the character to be replaced;
; the next word is the length of the string sans header.
; param_end points to the last byte used by the parameter buffer;
; redef_end points to the last word used by the redef table.
lookup proc near
mov si, redef_end ; Start at end of table, move down.
or al, al
jz lu_lp
mov ah, 0 ; clear extraneous scan code
lu_lp: cmp si, param_end
jbe lu_notfound ; If below redef table, exit.
mov cx, [si]
cmp ax, [si-2] ; are you my mommy?
jz lu_gotit
sub si, 4
sub si, cx ; point to next header
jmp lu_lp
or si, si ; clear Z
jmp short lu_exit
sub si, 2
sub si, cx ; point to lowest char in memory
cmp al, al ; set Z
lookup endp
;---- searchbuf --------------------------------------------
; Called by getchar and peekchar to see if any characters are
; waiting to be gotten from sources other than BIOS.
; Returns with Z set if no chars found, BX=keybuf & SI=keybuf.len otherwise.
searchbuf proc near
; Search the stuffahead buffers.
if key_redef
mov cx, 4 ; number of buffers to check for chars
mov cx, 3
mov bx, offset fnkey - 4
sbloop: add bx, 4 ; point to next buffer record
mov si, [bx].len
or si, si ; empty?
loopz sbloop ; if so, loop.
searchbuf endp
;---- getchar -----------------------------------------------
; Returns AL = next char.
; Trashes AX, BX, CX, BP, SI.
getchar proc near
; See if any chars are waiting in stuffahead buffers.
call searchbuf
jz gc_trykbd ; No chars? Try the keyboard.
; A nonempty buffer was found.
dec [bx].len
dec si
mov bp, [bx].adr ; get pointer to string
mov al, byte ptr ds:[bp][si]; get the char
; Recognize function key sequences, move them to highest priority
; queue.
sub si, 1 ; set carry if si=0
jc gc_nofnkey ; no chars left -> nothing to protect.
cmp bx, offset fnkey
jz gc_nofnkey ; already highest priority -> done.
or al, al
jnz gc_nofnkey ; nonzero first byte -> not fnkey.
; Found a function key; move it to highest priority queue.
dec [bx].len
mov ah, byte ptr ds:[bp][si]; gec [bx].len
mov ah, byte ptr ds:[bp][si]; get the second byte of fn key code
mov fnkey.len, 1
mov fnkeybuf, ah ; save it.
; Valid char in AL. Return with it.
jmp short gcdone
; Actually get a character from the keyboard.
mov ah, 0
int 16h ; BIOS returns with char in AX
; If it's Ctrl-break, it has already been taken care of.
or ax, ax
jz gc_trykbd
if key_redef
; Look in the reassignment table to see if it needs translation.
call lookup ; Z=found; CX=length; SI=ptr
jnz gc_noredef
; Okay; set up the reassignment, and run thru the translation code.
mov xlatseq.len, cx
mov xlatseq.adr, si
jmp gc_searchbuf
; Is it a function key?
cmp al, 0
jz gc_fnkey ; yep- special treatment.
gcdone: ret ; with character in AL.
getchar endp
;---- peekchar -----------------------------------------------
; Returns Z if no character ready, AL=char otherwise.
; Trashes AX, BX, CX, BP, SI.
peekchar proc near
call searchbuf
jz pc_trykbd ; No chars? Try the keyboard.
; A nonempty buffer was found.
dec si
mov bp, [bx].adr ; get pointer to string
mov al, byte ptr ds:[bp][si]; get the char
; Valid char from buffer in AL. Return with it.
jmp short pcdone
; Actually peek at the keyboard.
mov ah, 1
int 16h ; BIOS returns with char in AX
jz pcexit
; If it's control-break, it's already been taken care of.
or ax, ax
jnz pc_notbrk
mov ah, 0
int 16h ; so get rid of it!
jmp short pc_trykbd
if key_redef
; Look in the reassignment table to see if it needs translation.
call lookup ; Z=found; CX=length; SI=ptr
jnz pcdone ; Nope; just return the char.
; Okay; get the first code to be returned.
add si, cx
mov al, [si-1]
pcdone: or ah, 1 ; NZ; char ready!
pcexit: ret ; with character in AL, Z true if no char waiting.
peekchar endp
;----- set_gmode ------------------------------------------------
; Set gmode_flag based on mode byte in register al
set_gmode proc near
gmode_code ; a macro in nnansi_d.asm
set_gmode endp
;---- beep ------------------------------------------------------
; Beep speaker; period given by beep_div, duration by beep_len.
; Preserves all registers.
beep_div equ 1300 ; fairly close to IBM beep
beep_len equ 3 ; 3/18 sec- shorter than IBM
beep proc near
mov al, 10110110b ; select 8253
mov dx, 43h ; control port address
out dx, al
dec dx ; timer 2 address
mov ax, beep_div
jmp $+2
out dx, al ; low byte of divisor
xchg ah, al
jmp $+2
out dx, al ; high byte of divisor
mov dx, 61h
jmp $+2
in al, dx ; get current value of control bits
push ax
or al, 3
jmp $+2
out dx, al ; turn speaker on
; Wait for desired duration by monitoring time-of-day 18 Hz clock
push es
mov ax, ABS40
mov es, ax
assume es:ABS40
mov bx, timer_low
mov cx, -1
beeplp: mov ax, timer_low
sub ax, bx
cmp ax, beep_len
jg beepover
loop beeplp
pop es
assume es:CODE
; Turn off speaker
pop ax
and al, not 3 ; turn speaker off
out dx, al
beep endp
CODE ends
end ; of nansi.asm